some questions
guangliang peng
2012-09-11 22:27:09 UTC
i am a new learner of monetdb.And i have some questions below.

1 when I ran some queries on monetdb,I found that the memory was
automatically released by monetdb.And it needs extra time to load data into
memory again.I don't know why and if there are some triggers in monetdb?
Thank you for helps.

2 how do i see the join path when i run a query?

3 what's source code structure? i want to read the source code .And any
advices for better understanding source code.


guangliang peng
Martin Kersten
2012-09-12 00:04:31 UTC

There is no such thing as a free lunch, certainly not for a 1M lines
of code base :)
Post by guangliang peng
i am a new learner of monetdb.And i have some questions below.
1 when I ran some queries on monetdb,I found that the memory was
automatically released by monetdb.And it needs extra time to load data into
memory again.I don't know why and if there are some triggers in monetdb?
Thank you for helps.
Understand how memory mapped files
work on an operating system tells most of the story.
Post by guangliang peng
2 how do i see the join path when i run a query?
Use the Plan/explain/Trace/debug or stethoscope features of the system
to look for the {left,semi}join[Path] calls and the 'dot' file generated from the plans.
Post by guangliang peng
3 what's source code structure? i want to read the source code .And any advices for better understanding source code.
Read the MonetDB papers and PhD thesises.

regards, Martin
Post by guangliang peng
guangliang peng
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