developers-list Digest, Vol 2, Issue 6
2012-10-18 16:25:50 UTC
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Today's Topics:

1. Generating gprof report (Chi-Young Ku)
2. Re: ANSI SQL 2003 Extension OVER() appears to be missing in
MonetDB Click to flag this post (James Becker III)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 06:50:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chi-Young Ku <chi-***@public.gmane.org>
To: "developers-list-d/***@public.gmane.org" <developers-list-d/***@public.gmane.org>
Subject: Generating gprof report
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


??? I used the "--enable_profile" option to configure my MonetDB and ran "make clean; make; make install".

??? I, then, started my MonetDB instance and ran the following query:

??? ??? select count(*) from lineitem where l_partkey > 9000;

??? Lastly, I quit from the "mclient" session and issued "monetdbd stop ...".?

??? I observed that there are several gmon.out files in different directories in my top build directory.

??? Therefore, I issued the following gprof command:

??? ??? gprof /usr/local/bin/mserver5 ./sql/backends/monet5/gmon.out ./gdk/gmon.out?

??? ??? ??? ./monetdb5/modules/kernel/gmon.out ./monetdb5/modules/mal/gmon.out ./monetdb5/scheduler/gmon.out
./monetdb5/optimizer/gmon.out ./monetdb5/mal/gmon.out?

??? However, the output of the above command did not show any calling sequence containing the execution of MAL instructions.

??? Did I miss anything?

??? Thanks in advance.

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 16:25:46 +0000
From: James Becker III <jbecker-***@public.gmane.org>
To: Communication channel for developers of the MonetDB suite.
Subject: Re: ANSI SQL 2003 Extension OVER() appears to be missing in
MonetDB Click to flag this post
Message-ID: <CCA59CEF.2ED3%jbecker-***@public.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hi Niels,

Thanks for the fast reply.

The reason I thought that it wasn't supported is that I didn't find over
in sys.functions.

sql>select name from sys.functions where name like 'o%';
| name |
| or |
| octet_length |
| octet_length |
| octet_length |
| optimizer_stats |
| optimizers |

Is this the wrong place to look for this type of function?

Before I inundate you fine people with my need to understand, is there any
documentation for Monet's OVER implementation? This would save me from
prematurely posting potentially na?ve questions like this to this list.

Here is a sample of the code in vertica that needs to be ported. There are
more complex examples, but for the spike, I simply need a fair sample
query set to take Monet into a full POC phase of testing.

, FIRST_VALUE(school_name) over (partition by school_loc_code order by
academic_year_code::integer desc)
as school_name

-- large array of nested subqueries
-- then the dense_rank()over(
, dense_rank()over(
order by account_code
, school_group_inst_code
, school_loc_code
, grade_code
, subject_code
, course_code
, staff_sid
, section_sid
, student_sid
, attribute_category_code
, attribute_value_code) entity_num

I have attached the entire query in it's unmodified vertica form for
deeper analysis, if you are willing to give it a gander. It's kind of
hairy, but the OVER() bits are rather discreet.

Thanks again.

Hello MonetDB Community.
My name is James Becker, my friends call me Jaimi, and I am new to
posting messages here, so I hope you will bear with me.
I am conducting a POC on MonetDB to see if we can use it to replace
Vertica for a large scale read mostly educational reporting
application. So far things are showing promise, but the legacy reports
lean heavily on OVER(), which doesn't appear to be part of the 11.11.11
release. Am I missing something, or is this the case?
If anyone who has run into a similar limitations has any insights as to
where I have made a wrong turn, or how to either implement OVER() in
MonetDB using either MAL/C, or any suggestions for query work-arounds
that would yield similar results, this would be greatly appreciated.
OVER is supported, but no all of its functionality. Could specify which
functions you would like to use with over? Also which windowing
limitations would be required?
We sofar focused on the row_number and rank functions.
developers-list mailing list
Niels Nes, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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End of developers-list Digest, Vol 2, Issue 6
